At granny’s, you always get the best cakes ever!

At granny’s, you always get the best cakes ever!

Welcome to granny’s public living room

Sitting together with your loved ones, cosy and warm, chatting about life and eating something delicious. Yes, the best way of doing this is – well, you know it – at your granny’s house. And in our “Vollpension Generationencafés” coffeeshops, aka “Granny’s public living room”, you are always welcomed.

You watch our baking grandmas and grandpas as they bake their cakes in our open baking kitchen, always ready to take the next piece of warm chocolate cake straight out of the oven; take a seat in our cosy armchairs, have a sip of our finest coffee, listen to the old music from our record player, accompanied by the sound of the kitchen mixers, and later have a glass of eggnog served with a few pieces of worldly wisdom, while young and old chat together.

We are very much looking forward to your next visit in one of our Generationencafés!


Our Generationencafés in Vienna

Vollpension Schleifmühlgasse

Schleifmühlgasse 16

A–1040 Wien

So – Mi 08:00 – 19:00

Do – Sa 08:00 – 23:00

15.02. bis 11:30 geöffnet

Kamin Vollpension

Johannesgasse 4A

A–1010 Wien

Mo-So 08:00-18:00