Buchteln on Tour!

Granny love in the form of fluffy Buchtel treasures for your event

Buchteln on Tour!

Granny love in the form of fluffy Buchtel treasures for your event

The Buchtelmobil
exclusively for your event!

Grandma has once again been super innovative and has built something special in the workshop. The brand new Buchtelmobil now brings you the Buchteln wherever you want them. Two grannies, lots of Buchteln and plenty of vanilla sauce: what more could you want!


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Coffee anyone?

What goes better with fresh Buchteln than a cup of freshly brewed coffee? Get the Buchtelmobil in combination with the Espressomobil Barista Service for your event!

Pop Up Generationencafé

You want the Buchtel Deluxe package? Then we'll come with everything we've got: We run a complete pop-up generationcafé on site and spoil you with coffee, Buchteln and lots of grandma love.

The Buchtelmobil in action!


How big is the Buchtelmobil?

The Buchtelmobil in the transport box has the following dimensions:

Height: 120cm, width: 80cm, length: 130cm

Built up the height is 230cm

How heavy is the Buchtelmobil?

The Buchtelmobil has a weight of 180 kg.

Which connections are required for operation?

The Buchtelmobil requires a 230 volt connection.

No other devices may be connected to the same fuse during operation.

Is an elevator needed for transportation to a higher floor?


Due to its size and weight, the Buchtelmobil can only be transported to locations that are not at ground level using an elevator.

Are there also vegan Buchteln?

Yes, we can offer both vegan (Vuchteln) and gluten-free (Guchteln) Buchteln.

Which pitches are possible?

The Buchtelmobil is suitable for both indoor and outdoor events.

Even softer surfaces, such as a meadow, are no problem.

Why book the Buchtelmobil?

Our thing in the Vollpension is the intergenerational dialogue. Because we see it every day: Where older and younger people come together and do something together, moments of happiness trickle down for everyone. Coffee and cake with grandma and grandpa – sweet life at its best: colorful, warm, reinforcing, binding. The feeling of security between generations breathes in our places of encounter for generations: in the generation cafés, the grandma baking school, the BakAdemy, in the studio for intergenerational dialog. As a social business, we are committed to the mission of helping full board grow as a counter-movement to old-age poverty and loneliness! Every single euro pays into new jobs for seniors. Every new job means more exchange and togetherness and increases the good. This creates a circular economy of joy and you are an important part of it.

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Our social mission:
Intergenerational Dialogue

Where older and younger people come together and do something together, moments of happiness trickle down for everyone. Coffee and cake with grandma and grandpa - sweet life at its best: colorful, warm, encouraging, binding. The feeling of security of generations breathes in our places of encounter for generations: in the Generationencafés, the granny baking school, the BakAdemy, in the studio for intergenerational dialogue and - thanks to Buchtelmobil - now also at your event. As a social business, we are committed to the mission of helping Vollpension grow as a counter-movement to old-age poverty and loneliness! Every single Euro pays into new jobs for seniors. Every new job means more exchange and togetherness and increases the good. This creates a circular economy of joy and you are an important part of it - by simply coming to us, enjoying yourself and celebrating life.